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 HQ: Methodist Church, The Square, Dunstable, Beds

Fundraising Opportunities

In order to keep subscriptions as low as possible, there are a number of fundraising initiatives that we have adopted, and you can help!

Below is a list of the current opportunities for you to help us in our fundraising efforts. Please do what you can to support as many of these as you can, and help us to continue providing a range of activities for our youngsters, without having to increase subscriptions.

Gift Aid

If you pay income tax, then Gift Aid is just about the easiest thing you can do to help us raise extra funds.

All you need to do is complete our Gift Aid Form (MS-Word or PDF) and return it, and we'll do the rest.

Then, for every pound you spend on subscriptions, we can claim another 25p from the taxman.

So if you pay tax, and pay the subscriptions for your child, then please make sure you've completed the form. You only need one form, and it will cover all of your children.

Whenever you think of buying something online, start the process at

Register yourself and who you're supporting, and then anything you buy when you start at this site will result in a donation to the Scout Group, and all without costing you a penny!

Choose from over 2000 retailers, big and small, such as ASDA, Amazon, Apple, Argos and Avon, and they're only a few of the 'A's!

Using the search engine at, you can get search results obtained from Bing and Yahoo, and raise funds for the Scouts at the same time.

Every search contributes a small amount, but it all adds up.