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 HQ: Methodist Church, The Square, Dunstable, Beds

Jumble Sale: 1st March 2025

Thanks for visiting our Jumble Sale Volunteers Page.

I won't re-iterate all of the reasons you should volunteer to help us - if you've got this far, you either already know from past experience, or you've just read a letter telling you all about it.

There's a form below that you can fill in to tell us when you will be able to help. If you don't want to do this, you can always email us, or phone (01582 607465), or fill in the form on the letter.

If you want more details about what you might be volunteering for, there's a full description here (opens in new tab).

You can also see photos of previous sales by clicking 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007

Whether you can help or not, please do not just stay quiet and hope we'll go away - we won't! Anyone we have not heard from, we will contact by phone. Please save us the trouble of interrupting your dinner/Eastenders/the football, by telling us now, even if you will not be able to help. Fill in the form below, without ticking any of the boxes, and as long as you have clearly identified yourself, we won't have to call.

Name of Squirrel/Beaver/Cub/Scout if appropriate:

Helper 4 name

Please enter full forename and surname - it makes our life much easier!

Although we encourage every young person that wants to help, please only list adults (over 16s) here.

Helper 3 name

Helper 2 name

Helper 1 name

Date/TimeActivity Min  So Far  Short 

Mon 24, 7pm-9pm  : 

Collecting and Transporting Jumble




If you see that we have already reached the minimum required, don't let that stop you! You can either volunteer for an alternative time, or tick the box regardless, so we can juggle people and times if necessary. And ultimately, if we have more people than we need, the job won't take so long!

Tue 25, 7pm-9pm  : 

Collecting and Transporting Jumble




Wed 26, 7pm-9pm  : 

Collecting and Transporting Jumble




Thu 27, 7pm-9pm  : 

Collecting and Transporting Jumble




Fri 28, 6pm-10pm  : 

Transporting and Sorting Jumble




Sat 1, 8am-noon  : 

Sorting Jumble




Sat 1, 1pm-3:30pm  : 

The Sale, manning stalls etc




Sat 1, 3:30pm-6pm  : 

Clearing up




Sun 2, 9-10am  : 

Taking last of the rubbish to the tip





I have a: small car    large car    estate car    van    trailer that could be used

I (or someone I know) can offer some storage space (please give details below)

I (or someone I know) can offer facilities for rubbish disposal (please give details below)


Any other comments you'd like to make...

Contact (phone, email etc):

To demonstrate that you are a real person, please type in the number of our Scout Group within Dunstable: (you can find it right at the top of the page)

...and finally, click to send your form to us.
Thank you very much.

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