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 HQ: Methodist Church, The Square, Dunstable, Beds

Who's Who

5th Dunstable Scout Group

Group Scout Leader
Jenny Ryder
Assistant Group Scout Leader
Brian Calvert
Ian Ellis

5th Dunstable Squirrel Drey

Paulette Tompkins
Young Leader
Summer E

Jenny Cropper

Emma Perkins

Aaron Woodison
Young Leader
Jacob B
Drey Assistant
Clare Purdy

Ruth Edwynn

5th Dunstable Beaver Colony

Beaver Lead Volunteer (Otter)
Joanna Davey
Colony Assistant (Granny Rabbit)
Sally Ellis
Volunteer Section Assistant (Lion)
Kieran Pritchard
Roxanne Smith
Assistant Beaver Lead Volunteer (Squirrel)
Julie Caris

Mark Biley
Simon Basford
Young Leader
Isaac S

5th Dunstable Cub Pack

Asst Section Leader
Poppy Shelley
Joint Cub Scout Leader (Shere Khan)
Harry Shelley
Joint Cub Scout Leader (Raksha/Akela)
Hannah Charters
Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Baloo)
Will Evans

Julie Caris
Pack Assistant
Ben Charters

Samantha Messenger
Young Leader
Jasmine S
Young Leader
Elizabeth B
Pack Assistant
Nathan Charters
Young Leader
Ella L
Young Leader
Eva L
Young Leader
Sophie P

5th Dunstable Scout Troop

Scout Leader
Harry Shelley
Asst Section Leader
Poppy Shelley
Assistant Scout Leader
Ian Ellis
Assistant Scout Leader
Zita Evans
Assistant Scout Leader
Hannah Charters

Samantha Messenger

Nathan Charters

5th Dunstable Group Trustee Board

Group Chairman
Nick Porter
Group Scout Leader
Jenny Ryder
Helen Charters
Sue Gibson

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