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 HQ: Methodist Church, The Square, Dunstable, Beds

Location: PACCAR Scout Camp

Location:PACCAR Scout Camp
Description:PACCAR Scout Camp, Denham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks, SL9 0QJ
OS Coordinates:(501200,190691) or TQ 012 906
Directions:For full directions to this site, I suggest you go to their Contact page and scroll down to the Directions section.

Important information for finding us using a SatNav Whilst our SL9 0QJ Royal Mail postcode is correct this will send you about 3/4 mile in the wrong direction. Please use SL9 0QH which will put you in the middle of the site.

Also be warned that, if you follow the directions given by your sat nav from the A40/M40 junction, it will probably try to send you up a narrow lane passable only by small vehicles. You are advised not to turn right onto the A412 as requested by your sat nav but continue on the A40.

On leaving the site most satnavs will tell you to turn right and we advise that you should turn left and take the 2nd left turning, Joiners Lane, by which time it will have re-calculated your route.
Online Maps:Bing

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The map below shows Dunstable and PACCAR Scout Camp. You can scroll and zoom the map, and choose different map styles, using the controls provided at the top right.

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