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 HQ: Methodist Church, The Square, Dunstable, Beds

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Apply to Join our Scout Group

About this Page

This page allows you to enter your details, as an application to join the 5th Dunstable Scout Group.

You should be aware that there are other Scout Groups in Dunstable, and each Group deals with new recruits themselves. You may find that a different Group meets at more convenient times, costs more or less than our Group, or has a shorter waiting list. If you haven't already, then I suggest you visit our joining information page, for more details of our Group, and the Dunstable District Facebook page, to find out about alternative Groups.

Our waiting list currently looks approximately like this:

SectionMin AgeMax AgeMeetsWaiting
Squirrels 4 6 Thursday
Beavers 6 8 Thursday
Cubs 8 10½ Wednesday
Scouts 10½ 14 Wednesday

Joining Form

If we already know you (for instance, you already have a child in the group), please don't fill in this form - just come and talk to us, email us, or use our contact form, as we won't need to capture all your details again.

You do not need to specify which section (Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts) you want to join - this will be allocated according to your age.

First Child's Details

Gender Male
Date of Birth
Other Information Please enter any other information that may be relevant, including:
  • medical conditions,
  • allergies,
  • anything else you think may be relevant.

First Parent/Guardian's Details

TitleMr, Mrs, Dr, etc
Relationship to Child 1
Contact Please give at least one contact method (eg landline number, mobile number, email address), in order of preference, and please be careful to make sure you write accurately, as any errors will mean we can't respond to you!

Second Parent/Guardian's Details

(You can leave these boxes blank if there's only one of you)
TitleMr, Mrs, Dr, etc
Relationship to Child 1
Contact Please give at least one contact method (eg landline number, mobile number, email address), in order of preference, and please be careful to make sure you write accurately, as any errors will mean we can't respond to you!

Privacy Notice

By completing and submitting this form, you consent to the data being collected and stored by the 5th Dunstable (Methodist) Scout Group (the 'Data Controller'). The details will be accessible to leaders within the Group, who will use them to determine which section you are eligible to join, and if necessary, to assign you a place on the Waiting List.

We will also use your contact details to inform you when a place becomes available, and to check whether you are still interested.

Your details will not be shared outside the Scout Group, unless we are required by law to do so, or unless you give your consent.

Your details will be kept until:

  • You tell us you no longer want your place, in which case your details will be deleted;
  • You join the Group, in which case we will require additional information;
  • You withdraw your consent to us keeping this data, in which case we will remove you from our Waiting List.

If you wish to check or correct the information we hold about you, or to complain about our use of your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at, or via our contact form. If we fail to resolve your complaint, you may take it to the Information Commissioner's Office at

I confirm I have read and understood the above Privacy Notice

Robot Check  To confirm that you are a real human being, please enter the number of our Scout Group within Dunstable. You'll find it in the header of this page.
Note that, to ensure privacy, you will not be able to see or edit your data, once you have submitted this form. Unless you receive an error message, please do not submit your details again.

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