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 HQ: Methodist Church, The Square, Dunstable, Beds

Group Barbecue and AGM: June 2019


Event Report

5th Dunstable Scout Group AGM Minutes

26th June 2019 at Milton Bryan

Introductory Comments

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and thanked them for attending.

The Chairman then introduced the Executive officers (Nick Porter as Chairman, Brian Calvert as Group Scout leader, Helen Charters as Treasurer, and Sue Gibson as Secretary).

1 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Russell Sage, Steve Clarke, Joanna Reeve and all leaders/helpers working with the youngsters outside.

Those in attendance:

Nick Porter, Brian Calvert, Helen Charters, Sue and Dave Gibson, David and Jeanette Betterton, Chris Carey, Jean Basham, Val and Alan Watkin, Nicola and Daniel O'Sullivan, Andrew and Vicky Roberts, Nadine Warner, Sarah-Jane Cotterell, Angela Carey, Liam Geddes, Natasha Green, Netty Batchelor, Kim O'Connor, Donna Hughes, Jo Shelley, Kim Pritchard, Joy Secretan

2 Minutes of previous AGM (2018)

There were no comments on the minutes of the previous AGM

3 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous AGM

4 Group Chairman's Report

I've noticed in previous AGMs, that Brian and I tend to say much the same things, so since he says them so much better than I, I'll save some of your time by skipping the duplication.

But I will talk a bit about fund raising. In order to raise some funds, we run two Coffee Mornings each year, and the Jumble Sale, normally held in February. Fund-raising, especially the Jumble Sale, helps to keep the subscriptions down while still allowing us to provide a wide range of activities.

The Jumble Sale is an enormous event, and it needs a large amount of time and effort to make it a success. We deliver leaflets to around 2500 houses. We collect on three evenings of the week before the Sale, we have to pick up and put down every piece of Jumble several times while sorting it out, we have to sell it, and then we have to clear up the residue.This all takes a lot of people, so please can I encourage you to give up a couple of hours of your time to help make this a success when we ask you.

You may wonder, if it's so much effort, why do we bother to do it? Well here's the reason - this year, we raised very nearly £4000 for our funds. This is equivalent to about £50 for each Beaver, Cub and Scout, equivalent to a rise of over 60% in the subs.

There are also some easier ways in which you can help with fundraising for the Group, by clicking the Fundraising link on our website. It doesn't involve any significant effort, but does help the Group. I would especially point out the Gift Aid option. In case you don't know, this can bring us an extra 25% on the subscriptions paid, meaning that the £80 or so you currently pay each year is made up by our lovely government to over £100. So, if you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in our Gift Aid form, so we can continue to keep the subscriptions low.

And if anyone has any ideas for other fundraising methods we could use, then do feel free to talk to us about it.You'll hear more about our finances in a minute.

I know Brian is going to express our thanks to all of our leaders and helpers, and I echo that.

But the one person he won't thank is the most important of all - himself. So on behalf of all of our youngsters and their parents, and the section leaders and helpers, may I offer our special thanks to Brian, our Group Scout Leader, for the enormous amount of time and effort he devotes to the Group.

5 To receive Group accounts

A copy of the Group Accounts was made available to everyone. The Group Treasurer, Helen Charters, gave a brief summary, explaining where funds are spent and also where funds come from ie, Subs, Gift Aid and fundraising.

6 Group Scout Leader's Report

Mr Chairman, District Commisioner, parents, friends and fellow leaders thank you for your attendance this evening.

I am happy to report that the Group is still in a healthy situation with the youth membership standing at Beavers 24, Cubs 25 and Scouts 23. If anyone feels the urge, desperate or otherwise, to assist with the running of any of the sections please have a word with me during the evening. We can never have to many people on the leader teams. The Group is healthy because of those the leader teams with all three section run imaginative and active programmes throughout the year. May I take this opportunity to thank the three sections leaders, Paulette at Beavers, Jenny at Cubs and Matt at Scouts and their teams for all the time, hard work and dedication that they devote towards the young people in their care and scouting in general within the Group. It really is the effort of these teams that keep the 5th buoyant.

My thanks also go to the young leaders of the Group who help with the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. They have all served their time working their way through the sections and now feel they would like to give something back and it is very heartening to see it happening their efforts are very much appreciated and they are all valued members of the leadership teams.

The Group Water Weekend in September 2018 was again held on the last weekend of the school summer holiday and we had 8 families attend. The weather was very good with plenty of sun which gave us that bonus of taking home dry canvas for those of us that still use that style of accommodation. We all had a good time which was the object of the exercise.

The Family Camp weekend at the beginning of May this year saw 12 family units in camp. The weekend was cold with overnight temperatures down to zero. We even had a fierce hail storm, definitely a first for family camp. We did not get onto the water on Saturday due to the uncertainty of the weather and decided lack of sunshine and warmth. We did however manage a water session on Sunday and Monday when several of our beavers and even younger ones managed their first taste of kayaking and judging by the smiles they enjoyed it.

At the District AGM this year one of our members, Jean Basham, had her long involvement with the scout movement recognised with a 50 year service award. Exceptionally well done Jean.

That was the good news. The bad is that Brian Bennett a leader that gave 25 years to the group as a Scout Leader and an AGSL sadly died earlier this year.

As a Group we owe the Church a very big "Thank You" for allowing us the free use of the facilities and offering its support so that we may continue our Scouting. We show our gratitude to the Church with a n annual donation to its funds.

My final thank you of the evening goes to the behind the scenes group of the Executive Committee of Nick our chair, Helen our treasurer and Sue our secretary. I would also like to thank the other members of the Executive and the friends of the group who offer us so much time and effort particularly with the fund raising.

Thanks to you all once again for your attendance this evening.

7 District Representative

The District Commissioner, Chris Carey, introduced himself. Chris became DC in November 2018, and whilst he has never been a Scout Leader he has been involved in Scouting and has been Chairman at another local Group. It is the season for lots of AGM's and he has attended many recently - he commented that is nice to see the 5th Dunstable so well represented and is, in his opinion, a "Super Group". Chris went on to say that whilst the post of DC is important, he is not - it is the leaders and helpers, who turn up every week and provide a quality programme for the young people to enjoy. He noted that it was lovely to see such a thriving Group and gave thanks to all leaders, helpers and supporters of the Group.

8 Group Scout Leader's nomination of Group Chairman

The Group Scout Leader nominated Nick Porter to remain in the post of Chairman. There were no objections and was seconded by Brian Calvert.

9 Election of Group Treasurer

Helen Charters had agreed to remain as Group Treasurer. With no objection, nor alternative nomination, this was carried.

This was seconded by Alan Watkins

10 Election of Group Secretary

Sue Gibson has agreed to stay on as Group Secretary. There were no other nominations, nor objections, so this was carried. This was seconded by Sarah-Jane Cotterell.

11 Group Scout Leader's nomination of members of Group Executive Committee

Group Executive members to remain the same, with the addition of Steve Clarke. New members are always welcome.

12 Any other Business

No other business.

13 Prayers

The Group Scout Leader closed the meeting with a prayer.
Related Documents
AGM 2019 Agenda


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